The Kisser
Hey, dun be sad...i'm not gonna stop writing my blog...I really love blogging now.What I mean is this the last posting for January...Tomorrow is 1st February..I dun know why time passes so quickly rite now or its just me. I just feel its still new year,i just celebrated my new year yesterday.But honestly,I cant wait for february, there is a special day in february.Yeah,it's Valentine's day. Hoho. I basically dont celebrate V-day cause when it came to v-day,i was single.too badddd. But i hope this year i can celebrate a lil of it with my bebeh.Just little.Im not asking that much, am I?.

I just wanna write about this girl in my class, there's a sorrow story of hers besides her bubbly personality, active-in-class style. When we're asked to write and read about our unforgetable moments, her writing almost made my tears wanna come out of my eyes.Yeah2,I have heart too and I'm really sensitive. Her unforgetable moments was when she was 11, she was asked to wash her dad's car,she was extremely happy.And out of sudden, she found a letter in the car. She even read and brought it to her mother which she thought thats was from her mother but her mother denied. Start from that, her family had a big fight over the issue.Yeah2,u'r right,her father had a love affair with other woman. I know it's common to some people. Her father even punched,kicked and slapped her.OMG, she was 11. How dare a father could do that to a 11-year old girl?He was really physically abusive.After had done the abusement, he'd even dared to force her to go to school with all bruises and injuries.What a pity baby. Could you abuse your child for other third person?come on... u'r binatang. This might be her nightmare.

Thats not the end of the story,untill now on, her father even bullies her around,he took her PTPTN. He totally drives her mother crazy. Come on girl,do something.Dont be silly sitting in the corner alone. We're in democratized country.Don't let him bully you anymore. I hope you'll do the right thing for your own good.

For all people out there who are thinking they are abused,do something.Dont let people harm you.These are the signs that you are being abused:-

Does he ever hurt you in any way?
Does be break objects when he's angry?
Does he threaten to hurt you or the children or the pets?
Does he force you to have sex when you don't want to?
Does he think he's always right?
Does he constantly put you down?
Does he decide what to do, where to go, and when to do it?
Does he tell you what clothes to wear, how to wear your hair?
Does he criticize you all the time?
Does he call you humiliating names?
Does he want you all to himself?


1 Response
  1. jojie Oh! Says:

    poor her.. hope she's okay now..and live a happy life ever~

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