I know I'm pretty excited about my blog.I will post three postings in one day but different stories.This blog is not all about me.It can be about my friends,environment,fashion,YOU or whatever that catch my mind.I just can't help but feel excited `bout writing sumting.
As a mentioned title upthere, if u ever read a novel called Confessions of a shopaholic written by Sophie Kinsella, the writer has written something interesting in the novel, about CB(cut back) and MMM(make more money). I need to save up money coz I wasn't born rich like your Paris Hilton. And the big thing is I'm planning to go to Bandung for second time. I just love Bandung..the wheater is really nice. So what i have to do is saving. I have to set a saving mode in my mind. Cut back(reduce your buyings) or make more money?cut back or make more money?cut back or make more money?Which one is the best way for me?
How could I make more money?you know i'm studying.So make more money is out of my list.All I have to do know is cut back. It's cruel way but I have no choice. I'll do anything for Bandung. Here I come Bandung. or else, you donate some of your saving to me. Thats best way..hahaha
This out of the CB or MMM topic, this one is really important to me. It is really really important. Its about me getting my hair done. Yeah, my last hair done wast last year, in July.OMG,its been 6 months now. I need to gain my self-esteem, self-confidence or whatever self-!! that exist back. I know I deserve that saloon-theraphy,i just miss the smell of saloon. I wanna be pretty boy back. With my hair now,which completely mess and terrible, I now called a Lionman.Plzz dont be cruel to me. Straighten or Perm?straighten or perm? I wanna have my hair like below pictures.great huh!! Well,I guess I wanna straighten my hair back. Ohh,I cant wait to be pretty boy again. I know you're gonna love me more after this PUBLIC..DERR

As a mentioned title upthere, if u ever read a novel called Confessions of a shopaholic written by Sophie Kinsella, the writer has written something interesting in the novel, about CB(cut back) and MMM(make more money). I need to save up money coz I wasn't born rich like your Paris Hilton. And the big thing is I'm planning to go to Bandung for second time. I just love Bandung..the wheater is really nice. So what i have to do is saving. I have to set a saving mode in my mind. Cut back(reduce your buyings) or make more money?cut back or make more money?cut back or make more money?Which one is the best way for me?
How could I make more money?you know i'm studying.So make more money is out of my list.All I have to do know is cut back. It's cruel way but I have no choice. I'll do anything for Bandung. Here I come Bandung. or else, you donate some of your saving to me. Thats best way..hahaha
This out of the CB or MMM topic, this one is really important to me. It is really really important. Its about me getting my hair done. Yeah, my last hair done wast last year, in July.OMG,its been 6 months now. I need to gain my self-esteem, self-confidence or whatever self-!! that exist back. I know I deserve that saloon-theraphy,i just miss the smell of saloon. I wanna be pretty boy back. With my hair now,which completely mess and terrible, I now called a Lionman.Plzz dont be cruel to me. Straighten or Perm?straighten or perm? I wanna have my hair like below pictures.great huh!! Well,I guess I wanna straighten my hair back. Ohh,I cant wait to be pretty boy again. I know you're gonna love me more after this PUBLIC..DERR

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