The Kisser

Do you guys believe in supernatural?Like pontianak, toyol, pocong and so on. haha. I believe they are alive. They live in this world with us, they share the space with us. scary huh?yeah2..luckily we cant see them through eyes. The idea of writing this posting actually is i just watched Jangan Tegur which directed by Pierre Andre. I enjoyed every second of the movie as i love scary movies.I do. Most importanly, i watched the movie all by myself.Without my friends, they are too scared to watch this kind of movie..BOOO..

I remember back time, when i was on my way to Seremban at midnight with helmy,1 am, we were passing this place which Helmy told me it was the abandoned building. I saw a group of family, a father, a mother and a son. The parents were wearing traditional clothes(Baju melayu/Baju kurung) all white and a son wearing school uniforms. Can you imagine it?A family waiting for something in front of the place at 1 a.m. with the empty road.Ridiculous. So i guess they were supernatural who got lost in this world.

It's really important for us to understand that we share this world with all the god's creations, being scared is usual, and plzz be rational.They are not gonna eat you.hehe

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