The Kisser
I dont know why my mood swings to some happy mode..i m happy today coz my work is done and i just watched this romantic sad indonesian movie tittled great..the cast are bombastic..Andhika Pratama is way hotter in this movie compared to another movie like Love is Cinta. His body is hot and his face is kissable..haha..enough2. i'll post his pic in case you have no idea how he looks.
The Kisser
I'm away from weekend entertainment this week..My pocket is dry as I've spent A LOT lately..I dont think its unusual work is still pending..I know its not a tough work but it takes me courage to get it done especially its weekend.Lazy Lazy weekend.
"To my friends, lets save our pocket and dont get it dried..its
painfull.really realy painfull."
The Kisser
I dun wanna complain my busy works smoothly rite now.Now I really know how precious my time is.I still have a bunch of things to settle down. Hope it will be really soon.I cant stand working with strangers. I'm not complaining but regretting that i've choosen this way.Holly crap. 26 June is really important, the deadline of everything,hope to be there soon and leave everything up without thinking anything like im thinking rite now.
Working with a bunch of people that don't suit our personality is a knowledge. A knowledge how to be professional and hypocrite..I dont show how i dont like you,but pretend how i like you. I know,it's not a good thing, but im still a human.
xioxio bellas
The Kisser
I can feel the intense right now. My mind is almost fully loaded with the assignments and the final project. We(me and Rita) are asked to make a video clip for a song named Satu Untuk Diriku by Dina Malaysian Idol. I cant think anything right now.Like I said, my mind is working too hard at this moment.But I have to be rational, nothing is easy in life, your mind wont be creative enough if you dont think much. if you know what I mean. I really beg you guys if you can share some ur wise thoughts about the making video clip.haha.
Tomorrow I have a meeting with my subjectmates of Special Event class. We're about to throw an event in July,i guess. I'm so worried about this subject either. This is serious event coz we're gonna get marks as it is our major subject. Pray for me ya!!
Arghh,thinking about the assignment that i haven't started yet makes me dizzy and lazy. Why cant we lay on bed instead of studying hard?Lying on bed is something or a must thing i want to have right now. God help me plzz..The devils are whispering me to sleep and have a nicest rest like in heaven. I know if I dont start doing my assignment now, i will never start it forever.Something is left forgetten, the deadline is absofuckingly tomorrow. Talk to you guys later, i wanna pour me a gooddamn bath by now.
chiao bellas
The Kisser
I know you guys have no idea who he is..He's not a star from Hollywood.He's a random person I accidentally knew on youtube. Braverner is from Canada.My age, 21,and a student.He's soooo funnny.I'm serious.I always get my perfect laughter when i watch his video on youtube.I must say this,he's kinda hot too especially his bad-guy look. Go check his youtube
The Kisser
Do you guys believe in supernatural?Like pontianak, toyol, pocong and so on. haha. I believe they are alive. They live in this world with us, they share the space with us. scary huh?yeah2..luckily we cant see them through eyes. The idea of writing this posting actually is i just watched Jangan Tegur which directed by Pierre Andre. I enjoyed every second of the movie as i love scary movies.I do. Most importanly, i watched the movie all by myself.Without my friends, they are too scared to watch this kind of movie..BOOO..
I remember back time, when i was on my way to Seremban at midnight with helmy,1 am, we were passing this place which Helmy told me it was the abandoned building. I saw a group of family, a father, a mother and a son. The parents were wearing traditional clothes(Baju melayu/Baju kurung) all white and a son wearing school uniforms. Can you imagine it?A family waiting for something in front of the place at 1 a.m. with the empty road.Ridiculous. So i guess they were supernatural who got lost in this world.
It's really important for us to understand that we share this world with all the god's creations, being scared is usual, and plzz be rational.They are not gonna eat you.hehe
The Kisser
My title says it life now is completely busy(to me)...hahah..This sem makes me so out of control..cant get enough sleep,cant do what i used to do at late nights(u got what i mean rite).haha..but im alright..just alright..there are a lot to catch..which i dont know if im capable to catch..but wish me luck guys..muwahhhx.
This semester i take 6 subjects,can u guys imagine how i run to one class to another class?haha.dont imagine it coz i dun run just me taking slow time to class..don need to rush.there's nothing falling apart and the world is still moving.
Meanwhile,im still reading a storybook tilttled Thanks For The Memories by Cecelia Athern who has written famous book named P.S I Love You which adapted to beautiful movie with the same name.The book is about a woman who had a miscarriage and later a divorce with her husband remembers things that she shouldn't. Im so excited to read the rest of the pages.haha.but im bz la.
I just downloaded Kelly Clarkson's new album tittled
All I Ever Wanted, i adore the songs.especially a song perfectly named
I do not hook up. You guys shud listen to her album.thumbs up.And another album i downloaded is The Last Goodnight, an infamous band which i heard their song accidentally on Youtube,but i love them now.Their album's great,a lit bit sound like Maroon 5 buat they carry their own music.Cant stop listening to their songs like
Pictures of you, Stay beautiful and
Poison Kiss.So good.....

xoxo,chiao2 BELLA