The Kisser
I'm new to this world,blogging thingy but I used to have a blog which was complained containing nudity by my brother which images i took in PD just wearing a brief..was it nude?derrr....Wish this brand new blog, contain all clean images(I wish)...haha..

As this is the first posting, Let me talk a bit about myself, I really love this part,its about telling people who you really are..great huh.its like your first day in class especially if u have bigmouth just like me

I stand at 185 cm (6'1) this is why i named my blog.I just love my height..dun envy me yeah. and my weight is around 70 KG...yeah,i know,i'm skinny.I'm over it. I've tried anything to gain my weight even the stupid protein milk but yet i'm still like this.but I don't really care about it now.I'm happy with it.

I'm still studying,what course im in?doesnt really matter(CUE:i'm not into science)..I wish to get my degree scroll before I reach my age 25.ameen.

All of us have dreams.aint we? yeah, I have those, which some have been fulfilled.When you're tall and love those flash,lights and stage..what would your dream be?hope u get my idea of talking this. I have fulfilled that dream when I was 19.ohh wait,i miss sumting here,do you guys know how old i am?derrr,I'm becoming 21 this year. Back to my fulfilled dream, yeah,i had fulfilled that dream when I was 19,now im 21..its been 2 years now, but last year wasn't really successful year for me to spread more about the dream.I really miss those lights and stages, the lenses..What I wanna do now is gain there any gaining-weight-in-one-day milk?I really need that.I hate gymming,but i need those beautiful-slurpy muscles..I need that.god plz give me that.Enough about this emotionally sad story about me.

Oklah,I'm exhausted of telling bout myself..Keep Your Dreams Come True.

3 Responses
  1. jojie Oh! Says:

    hehe.. i miss u already lorr afta baca ko nyer citer nih..
    yeahh light, stage, lense..mmg sesuai dgn ko..
    tp x sesuai ko PINDAH KOLEJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    diz is ur world..ur dream buddy~
    diz is ur place.. academy tv3 remember??

    warghh!! hopefully ko x lupe kitorg..
    here...dgn kenangan ke pd and what so ever~ huhu


  2. Anonymous Says:

    i tot aok dah ade blog dulu?
    ape jd kt yg dulu?
    kene block ke sbb dah jd ala2 NOTASI

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